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20 Nov

Marie Forleo  – love-giver

Marie Forleo  - love-giver

“I owe “Everything is figureoutable” to my mom. She’s one of the most resourceful and industrious people you could ever meet. Constantly busy, and knows how to stretch a dollar as far as it will go. As a kid, I remember always coming home to her in the middle of some big project. From fixing a cracked bathroom tile to a leaky roof, inexperience never stopped her – and this was pre-internet, pre-Google and YouTube!” – says life expert Marie Forleo.

Before becoming the leader in life coaching, Marie Forleo, Jersey born raised girl, was passionate in unconnected things as hip-hop, writing, spirituality, cooking and more than 200 other activities. She was seen in finance at the New York Stock Exchange but it was not definitely for her. It is curious to share but Marie became one of the world’s first Nike Elite Dance Athletes. It’s time to mention that she worked as a bartender, too. And one more secret – Forleo could prepare a 12 hour spaghetti sauce that is ridiculous. 

At the beginning of her life coaching she had nothing more than a dream, a passion and a laptop and with these tools she created digital empire for millions. Nowadays Marie Forleo is  a New York Times bestselling author. Her net worth is estimated to be around $14 million.  Marie’s positive way of thinking helped her to start business at 23 and develop it in multimillion dollar project just from the ground. With her old webcam  Forleo produced videos which become the award-winning online show seen by tens of millions of followers in 200 countries.

Oprah Winfrey called her a leading voice for a new generation of thought-leaders and lifestyle experts

determine her as “Multipassionate Enterpreneur” because she never fitted to any of conventional boxes. “A lot of folks will say that in order to reach your biggest dreams, you need to play Sherlock Holmes and hunt down every negative, limiting belief you might have rattling around in your mind. You have to dig through your childhood and your past and find every crappy belief and then work to change it”.


Marie Forleo  - love-giver

CULVER CITY, CA – JANUARY 25: Life coach Marie Forleo attends Create & Cultivate and Chevrolet Host Create & Cultivate 100 on January 25, 2018 in Culver City, California. (Photo by Alison Buck/Getty Images for Create & Cultivate and Chevrolet)


In fact she is a living prove that traditional rules were made to be broken. Definitely Marie is a lady without doubts, limitations and you will never hear her to say “I can’t do this”.  For Forleo  positive affirmations are the most powerful driving forces and tool for climbing in everyday life and master keys that unlock every imaginable door in the castle of our consciousness.  Her career as a life coach offered her a front-row seat to some of the most curious people on the planet as Oprah, Richard Branson, Elizabeth Gilbert, Tony Robbins… Marie is honest that she feels afraid, too or have moments of serious insecurity, too.

Marie Forleo attends #BlogHer18 Creators Summit at Pier 17 on August 8, 2018 in New York City

Forleo is a spirit- firecracker of knowledge, wisdom and experience. Her energetic smile lights up a space and inspire her followers. Her ability to blend heart and mind with fun contemporary movement makes her videos the true definition of Liberation. Marie makes people feel warmly welcomed to their new lives. In fact what could be better than a radiant and strong woman to educate women on truly embodying their lives? 

Nowadays she is sure that fear is a real “dream killer”. 

Her solution is action, action and only action. Forleo also runs B-School, a digital education program that supported more than 55,000 people from 148 countries in over 600 industries to develop their small businesses off the ground. “Every pro starts off as an amateur. There’s not one top artist, athlete, writer, scientist, architect, entrepreneur, programmer, musician, or potter who enters the field at the top of her game. To begin anything new or learn anything new means you will be a neophyte. You must go from outsider to insider. Respect that. Embrace it. Be willing to suck” – says Marie Forleo.