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December 2022

15 Dec

Odile Decq – Space, freedom and body.

Odile Decq - Space, freedom and body. Odile Decq's aesthetic is both contrast and continuity. Her mission is to find continuity into a context.  Her  work is joyful, sensual, and intuitive. Decq's biggest wish is to reintroduce architecture as a central core in the world. “In the AcadĂ©mie des Beaux-Arts teaches that architecture is the mother of all arts, but in my opinion it is much more than that. It goes beyond designing objects, for it is also about sociology, politics, geography, economics, law etc.. We have to bring these disciplines together into a synthesis that addresses all the relevant issues. This synthesis generates an idea, and this idea is the project. The idea is more than the building, because it deals with all the scales involved from the smallest details...
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