Mel Robbins - It is so easy - 5-4-3-2-1
„I use the countdown technique 5-4-3-2-1 to interrupt that jerk in my head that says, “It’s too cold to work out today,” or “The project can be a day late.”
I also use it to silence my worry about pretty much anything (as an anxious person, I have a PhD in worrying)
I just count down 5-4-3-2-1 and say, “I'm not thinking about that,” and move on with my day“ - says Mel Robbins.
What do we know about Mel Robbins, who says that we have to stop screwing ourselves?
She is a leading voice in the desert of our personal wanderings.
She is a former lawyer and skeptical about quick fixes.
150 days per year Mrs. Robbins...
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